Wednesday, May 25, 2016

The Mataariki Story

Cross Country is scheduled for 2nd June at 11:15. Starting and finishing on the school field.

The Winner of the Environment Video is .....

Room 7

We were given fish and chips as our prize two weeks ago. Thank you to Whaea Dorothy and the PB4L Team!

We Are Learning to Recall Our Basic Facts

We have been learning basic maths facts using a Whole Brain Teaching method by Chris Biffle.

We sit in pairs and one person answers the facts and the other partner reads the answers and checks that their buddy is answering them correctly. They help out when it is needed.

Children have one minute to answer as many facts as they can and try to beat their previous personal scores.

They are seeing the basic facts, listening to the basic facts and saying the basic facts.

Best Dressed Class Award for Bully Proof Pink Shirt Day goes to.....

Room 7  

Today's Assembly Recipients (Plus old certificates of children that were absent on assembly days)

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Certificates Awarded Today...

Well done Roughan, Amy and Madison!

Saturday, May 14, 2016

Bug Catching for Frogs

Well done, you were so brave picking up bugs. Now Our frogs will be happy and full.

How Room 7 Look After Their Frogs